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The Warm Feet Project is a Christmas-season outreach aimed at children struggling without warm socks and proper boots in the winter weather.
The Warm Hearts and Hands Project, extends kindness and helps us provide warmth to many children who are in need of proper winter clothing.
The Warm Feet Project is a Christmas-season outreach aimed at children struggling without warm socks and proper boots in the winter weather.
The Warm Feet Project is a Christmas-season outreach aimed at children struggling without warm socks and proper boots in the winter weather.
Feed a child, so they can focus on their future.
Feed a child, so they can focus on their future.
Help provide schools with desks, chairs, feeding programs, water tanks, classroom renovations, and a school garden.
Give us the gift of clean water and help us save lives! Our Clean Water Project helps provide necessary water tanks in many of the Kenyan schools.
The Warm Feet Project is a Christmas-season outreach aimed at children struggling without warm socks and proper boots in the winter weather.