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At summer camp, we get to take the children out of their environment, rebuild their hope, minister to their lives, and have a life-changing impact.
Our aim is to reach as many children as possible in order to get them under the sound of the Gospel!
At summer camp, we get to take the children out of their environment, rebuild their hope, minister to their lives, and have a life-changing impact.
At summer camp, we get to take the children out of their environment, rebuild their hope, minister to their lives, and have a life-changing impact.
Our aim is to reach as many children as possible in order to get them under the sound of the Gospel!
At summer camp, we get to take the children out of their environment, rebuild their hope, minister to their lives, and have a life-changing impact.
Our aim is to reach as many children as possible in order to get them under the sound of the Gospel!
At summer camp, we get to take the children out of their environment, rebuild their hope, minister to their lives, and have a life-changing impact.
Our aim is to reach as many children as possible in order to get them under the sound of the Gospel!