Summer Camp
For those children able to attend Summer Camp, it is truly an experience they will never forget.
In New York City, most of the kids we minister to are growing up in brutal circumstances. They are impacted daily by gang violence and intimidation. They are frequently jolted awake at night by the sound of gunshots and sirens. It’s not uncommon for them to personally witness someone getting stabbed, beaten, mugged. They are often themselves the victims of some form of abuse or neglect. That's why it is so critical that Metro Sunday School reaches these kids right where they live.
But once a year with the help of friends like you, we get the rare chance to take many of these kids OUT of their environment — the barred windows, graffitied buildings, dangerous streets — to experience several days of REFUGE where they are surrounded by love, laughter and fellowship at camp.
Our Camp counselors spend crucial one-on-one time with kids to listen, encourage, and pray for them. The campground in Pennsylvania offers sports, canoeing, fishing, hiking, games, archery, swimming, a low ropes course and more. Nightly chapel services help them understand how much God loves them, and how to enter into His presence through prayer and worship.
At summer camp we get to do this, we get to take the children out of their environment and give them a safe haven, even just for a short while. We get to rebuild their hope and minister to their lives, and have a life changing impact on a child.
And the greatest opportunity you can give a child by sending them to camp is the chance to make a decision for Christ that will change their life for eternity!
It costs $295 (USD) to give a child in New York 6 days and 5 nights of camp. In Romania, Kenya, and the Philippines, a child can attend day camp for $95 (USD). Any gift you can share will be greatly appreciated...and we can combine your gift with others to help make it happen! Remember: this will be the first escape from the violence of this city that most of these kids have experienced in over two years. For others, it will be the very first time they will get to be in a Christian environment for a few days, experiencing the love of God in a very real and tangible way.
One of the main highlights next to all the fun camp activities for most of these kids is simply getting to have three full meals a day — as much as they want to eat!
Kids in New York and other parts of the world still need the HOPE that is only found in JESUS, and you can be that bridge for them to experience God rebuilding and restoring their hope, through a simple kind gesture.